Advertisement Supply Chain

Websites and mobile applications can minimize or avoid fraudulent advertising by publicly disclosing their approved partners. Similarly, advertising systems can publish the vendors and partners they use as intermediaries in supplying media and advertisements. Media owners use the IAB standards, publishing on domain/ads.txt and domain/app-ads.txt, while AdTech platforms publish on sellers.json.

About this dataset

Our comprehensive dataset scans over 75 million domains (and growing) for advertisement metadata. Here are the key advantages:

High Data Quality

Many media owners produce poorly formatted ads.txt and app-ads.txt files. Our dataset includes a cleaned version where bad records are corrected or discarded, and the output is reformatted according to official IAB standards.

Historical Coverage

We provide historical data from 2024 onwards. All changes are recorded, allowing you to monitor and extract trends over time.

Resource Efficiency

Save money and time on building out scraping and validation capabilities by onboarding a verified dataset.



Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
domain The domain scanned. String / Domain
url The full URL of the scanned page. String / Url
source Either ads.txt or app-ads.txt. String
reformatted A reformatted version of the full file according to the IAB standard. Text
comments Top-level comments in the file. Text
errors List of IAB formatted errors while parsing the file. Text


Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
variable The variable name. String
value The variable value. String
resource_id A reference to the above mentioned AdsResource. String / UUID4 / Key
comment The comment at the end of the variable declaration. String
valid A boolean indicating if the record is valid. Boolean
errors List of IAB formatted errors while parsing the variable. Text


Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
target A reference (domain) of the authorized entry. See the IAB specification for more details. String
relationship Indicating the commercial relationship between the source of the file and target. Currently only valid values are RESELLER and DIRECT. String
publisher_acct_id The ID of the publisher. String
cert_auth_id See the IAB specification for more details. String
resource_id A reference to the above mentioned AdsResource. String / UUID4 / Key
comment The comment at the end of the variable declaration. String
valid A boolean indicating if the record is valid. Boolean
errors List of IAB formatted errors while parsing the variable. Text


Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
domain The domain scanned. String / Domain
url The full URL of the scanned page. String / Url
contact_email Email of the person responsible for the file. String / Email
contact_address The physical address of the business. String
version The specification version. This is currently only 1.0 as that is the only published standard. String
ext Custom extension field. JSON


Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
name Identifier name. String
value Identifier value. String
seller_id Reference to the seller object. String / UUID4 / Key


Name Description Type / Classification
id A unique identifier (UUID4) per resource. String / UUID4
created_at A timestamp of when the resource was initially created. Timestamp
updated_at When the record was last updated. Timestamp
seller_id The external identifier of the seller. String
seller_type Type of seller. String
name Name of the seller. String
domain Domain of the seller. String
comment Comments for the object. String
ext Custom extension field. JSON
is_confidential Indicates if the seller information is confidential. Boolean
is_passthrough Indicates if the seller is a passthrough entity. Boolean
i_seller_id Reference to the seller object. String / UUID4 / Key

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